District » Building Square Footage & Capacity

Building Square Footage & Capacity

Building Address SqFt Capacity
High School 400 IA-163 BUS, Monroe, IA 76,740 375
Middle School (half of link)* 407 E Plainsman Rd, Prairie City, IA 65,696 350
Prairie City Elementary (half of link)* 309 E Plainsman Rd, Prairie City, IA 37,024 285
Monroe Elementary 400 N. Jasper St., Monroe, IA 39,812 315
Environmental Classroom 400 IA-163 BUS, Monroe, IA 1800 120
Outdoor Green House: High School 400 IA-163 BUS, Monroe, IA 864 43
Bus Barn 401 S. Jasper St., Monroe, IA 19400 39
Football Concession Stand: High School 400 IA-163 BUS, Monroe, IA 1584 16
Football/Track Annoucer Stand 400 IA-163 BUS, Monroe, IA 480 8
Baseball Concession Stand 309 E Plainsman Rd, Prairie City, IA 288 5
Baseball Press Box 309 E Plainsman Rd, Prairie City, IA 288 3
Softball Announcer Booth 400 IA-163 BUS, Monroe, IA 180 2
Softball Concession Stand 401 IA-163 BUS, Monroe, IA 180 2