Student Services » English Learners (EL)

English Learners (EL)

PCM Community School District is committed to providing quality instructional services and supports for students identified as being an English Learner (EL) free of discrimination.
  • The goal of the Language Assistance Program at PCM is to provide English Learners with quality access to universal and targeted instruction to meet their language acquisition needs and exit them once proficiency is met.
  • A priority is put on using evidence based methods to provide access to quality instruction aligned to required Iowa Core and other local and national standards.
  • It is a priority of the PCM Community School District to provide communication and access to required written documents to parents/guardians in their home language. 
The district LAU Plan (see link to document) contains descriptions of the required processes for the provision of the district use of Title III funds to meet the needs of English Learners.
  • Students are identified using a state approved screener, the Home Language Survey, that all parents/guardians are required to complete upon registration.
  • A statewide assessment, ELPA Screener, is then used to determine the level of instructional programming that the English Learner would benefit from.
  • After communication and collaboration with parents and classroom teachers, a Language Assistance Program is established and provided with scheduled times for the EL instructor to meet with the student(s) and collaborate with teachers.
  • The state required annual assessment, ELPA21, is used to monitor each English Learner's progress within the program.
PCM Community School District's English Learner instructor is Mr. Brian Adams. Mr. Adam's role is to implement the required components of a the district's LAU Plan. Mrs. Stephanie Ver Helst, the PCM PK-12 Director of Student Services, is responsible for providing Direct supervision of Mr. Adams, oversight of the Language Assistance Program and monitoring of the LAU Plan components. If you have any questions about the Language Assistance Program at PCM or your child's current services, please do not hesitate to contact either Mr. Adams or Mrs. Ver Helst using the contact information provided.